Dance metaphor LO23995

From: Luis Peralta Chirinos (
Date: 02/18/00

Replying to LO23987 --

Hi Steve and LOers :

Here in Latin America, there is a video called : "Working in team to the
Tango Rhythm".

It is about a team member who was in charged to conduct a team to solve an
enterprise problem. He was very worried because the special characters of
the members and the able short time.

He on casual get into a theatre and watched the preparations of a play and
how they under the conduction of a woman were taking subjects of
coordination of movements, scenography, lights and others. It was
impressive for him and started to write down the

main principles to work in team. He applied this to his problem and

This video is used to teach about team work and I hope this can be useful
for you.

Luis Peralta Chirinos
Planning Analyst
(and sometimes management consultant)

>>> Steve Finegan <> 16/02/00 11:46 >>>
>Does anyone know of a book or other source which uses a dance metaphor to
>describe relationships among team members in organizations?


"Luis Peralta Chirinos" <>

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