Intro -- Anne Kohler LO24306

From: Kohler, Anne (US - Jersey City) (
Date: 04/05/00

All --

I have been a lurker on this list for quite awhile and have finally
decided to introduce myself and ask a few questions. I graduated from
Wellesley College in 1997 as a Psychology major and have been working for
one of the Big 5 Consulting Firms since graduation. I started out in our
Competitive Strategy practice but shifted into our Change Leadership
practice about a year and a half ago. The work centers mostly around
technological implementations of various kinds -- from large ERPs to small
systems to now a web-based Knowledge Management solution for a group of
remote marketing managers.

My questions are around the impact of the virtual community on learning
and leveraging knowledge. As we introduce the solution to the user group,
how can we push the users to look beyond the "information/data" in the
tool and begin to leverage and gain synergies from the information? We
have provided a discussion space within the solution -- but is that
enough? In addition, this group has never acted as a team before -- as
they are remotely located around the country -- do you have any
suggestions on how to encourage the team work beyond posting to the
discussion board?

Also, on a side note, has anyone done any work on the impact of the
graphics on web-sites in terms of content retention? Or increased use of a
site due to visual representation of information? (i.e. a blue screen is
more likely to be remembered than a yellow screen)

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,


Anne Kohler


"Kohler, Anne (US - Jersey City)" <>

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