Expressing human experience. LO24309

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 04/05/00

Replying to LO24291 --

AM de Lange wrote:

> Dennis Presser <> writes:
> >Covey is quoting from Viktor Frankl's book, *Man's Search
> >for Meaning*
> >
> >Frankl survived Nazi concentration camps and, based on his
> >experiences before and during this time, developed a
> >psychotherapy that he called Logotherapy.
> You have touched with your reference to Frankl upon a very important as
> aspect on the diagram:
> experiencing => [human] =>expressing
> What happens when this diagram gets cut off so that only
> experiencing => [human]
> remains? Is it not possible to get a "build-up" of experiences
> just like the pressure of steam in a container build up as it
> gets more and more heat?

Dear At

This is not an accurate representation of how the human mind works, there
is no pressure build up of any kind in the mind. The human mind is more
like a set of images, sounds, feelings set in slides (or moving images)
which is recalled by using the human sensory apparatus (eyes, ears, skin,
nose, taste). The only reason why it feels like pressure is because we
focus on the one sensory system that keeps bringing up the same slide(s).
Often this is called by therapists as not being able to let go. Focusing
on the pain, fear ( the emotion of separation), and loss for humans is one
way of not letting go and it conjures, some times, combined images that
have not happened but rather the fear of what might happen.

When we find meaning in life " and God knows we are all trying" it is
always easier to accept the pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are
like frozen time blocks in the mind with the ability to surface at strange
times. ( This is why no two people alive, live in the same time, no wonder
we often have problems communicating). Normally anchors or associations
help to keep the emotion alive. We all can remember songs from years ago
and even what we were doing at the time the song was played. To change our
feeling or emotions we just need to find the anchors (not always that
easy). Virginia Satir uses this method in family therapy, usually the
response of one person in a family sets the tone for a specific chain of
events. It is like a lever point when found because it changes our
responses to many situations.

On the Boer war thing, this is just one event in the long line of
persecutions that the Huguenots and the Dutch settlers had probably
stretching back eons. The outcomes of this can be seen in the policies of
the National government in RSA from the WW2. Most policies and ideals
(opposite of our fears) from this government was to combat the fears that
resided in the hearts of many of the Afrikaner people. Ideals that exclude
( Fear), separate, (fear) excommunicate (fear), deprive (fear opposite of
need) create tensions in society. We all know (from systems theory) that
the interactions of people creates the outcomes not the some total of
their emotions.

I know I was there being prejudiced against and persecuted at times.
Knowing what I know has allowed me to give meaning to the situation and
have deep empathy for Afrikaners.

The fact that you mentioned the Boer War is very interesting, I am sure
you were not there, this is what we do as humans we bind time and rather
strongly through our emotions and most often those of loss.



Gavin Ritz <>

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