Why employ a person? LO24329

From: Chuck Saur (csaur@remc8.k12.mi.us)
Date: 04/10/00

Replying to LO24315 --

Dear At,

Although I haven't the book anymore, (I lend books and seldom get them
back ;-) I believe that Kurt Vonnegut in Timequake refers to employers as
"energy vampires". (Or was that on this list?) This recollection is
rather fuzzy, but the smile I had at the time is still there...


AM de Lange wrote:

> I am asking this question "Why employ a person?" because the answer is not
> so obvious to me any more.
> While letting my thoughts meander on the topic "Preventing the corruption
> of caring love", I went to the library to see what a dozen or so textbooks
> on enconomy had to say on paying for employment. It struck me that all of
> them had the same standard description for it. None even mentioned a novel
> perspective.


Chuck Saur <csaur@remc8.k12.mi.us>

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