IT for Learning and Training LO24332 -Portal

From: Gertjan_van_Heijst/
Date: 04/10/00

Since March 30, is the portal site to find information
on IT for learning and training in industry. The site is a front-end to
the work of 16 highly innovative projects in this field. These 16
projects, co-funded by the EC Esprit programme, deliver state-of-the art
solutions to learning and training needs in industry. They represent over
100 European organisations investing in IT solutions and methodologies to
create the knowledge-enabled and learning organisations of the future.

Visitors to the portal site can find latest news, event information,
content from the LTI projects, profiles of participating organisations and
much more.

The site is maintained by the KALIF team. The KALIF project supports the
LTI programme in knowledge sharing and dissemination of the results of the
LTI programme.

The KALIF project is an initiative of Kenniscentrum CIBIT (
and the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation, ECLO

More information can be obtained through: or Caroline van der Wal, KALIF project assistant,
Kenniscentrum CIBIT, +31-30-2308900,



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