The leverage of language LO24397

From: Winfried Dressler (
Date: 04/19/00

Replying to LO24375 --

Due to difficulties in translating "wete", At de Lange used
"consciousness" in quotation marks to make his point:

>Hence it is not the language itself which is fragmented, but the
>"consciousness". This lack of wholeness in the "consciousness" causes
>the poverty.

Dear At,

this is how I use these words:

'Kenntnis - Knowledge' is something I 'wissen (Verb) - to know'
'Wissen (Noun) - Knowledge' is something I 'verstehen - understand'

I think our english speaking friends here can very well understand (!)
that it makes sense to distinguish knowledge which simply need to be known
and knowledge which need to be understood. May be someone can even offer
two words for these two kinds of knowledge, which I just don't know (!)

So I suggest to replace ' "consciousness" ' with 'understanding', what do
you think? Although our actual consciousness has to be a whole, our
understanding can be very well fragmented.

On the notion that one should distinguish but must not separate, I
remember my father often say to me: "Du musst unterscheiden, aber nicht
scheiden/schneiden/trennen." (You must distinguish, but not
separate/cut/separate.) Today I am very gratefull for this. It was like
caring that while sureness (distinguish!) started to grow in adolescense,
wholeness must not be sacrificed (don't separate!). It is so important to
understand (!) that one don't need to give up one in order to get the

Thank you for providing the word 'integrity' as the one which essentialy
mean 'wholeness AND sureness', the ability to distinguish without
separating. One can know the word, but one must understand it's meaning.

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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