To become or not to become. LO24428

From: Peter Fullerton (
Date: 04/23/00

Replying to LO24391 --

I believe that part of the art of learning lies in sitting still with the
feedback of how someone experiences us, rather than answering their
experience as though a contest or a debate. (I also agreed with much of
what Gavin wrote.)

Peter Fullerton

At 08:35 PM 19/04/00, you wrote:

>Gavin Ritz <> writes: (and I will capitalise certain
>phrases in it)
> >One can go AROUND IN CIRCLES but I do not think this
> >dialogue has too much further interest for me because if one
> >is so certain of ones POINT OF VIEW then yours At must me
> >the ONE MAP that describes all the territory from EARTH TO
> >HEAVEN you seem to be unopen to any other experiences.
> >Wisdom after all is the ability to see things from ones own point
> >from anothers and from the whole worlds'.
> >
> >Your responses are at most LONG WINDED covered in metaphors...
>Greetings Gavin,
>I have counted five easily identifyable metaphors which you yourself have
>made use of.
etc etc


Peter Fullerton <>

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