To become or not to become. LO24470

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 04/27/00

Replying to LO24389 --

Winfried Dressler wrote:

> >I still have not observed one human action that cannot be explained in
> >very simple motivational terms and its aggregated form POWER and
> >dependence.
> ..snip..
> >I need stuff that helps people to live healthier fuller lives...
> perhaps I should simply ask: Does the first part of the quotation anwer
> the motivational question "Why do you want to help people...?" ? But the
> answer is a too obvious 'yes': You have not observed one human action that
> cannot be explained in that way. Thus surely including yours.

dear Winfried

That is part of my job in training, career transition, counseling and
problem solving and other HR functions. Off course this includes mine, the
starting point is understanding my own actions and motivations so that I
do not project my values onto others.

> Anyway, this 'yes' doesn't tell me much, because I am confused about the
> 'aggregated form of POWER and dependence'. I guess, aggregated means
> aggregated from all the conceptual perspectives and approaches you
> mentioned in your mail and perhaps many more. And I am simply overwhelmed
> when I think of the task to aggregate this form of power out of that
> diversity of approaches.

Power is the aggregated form of all a particular societies values, it is
the systems of values from the systems point of view. The dependence is
the dependence of interactions of the system.

> So let me ask differently: Do you want to help people because you want
> power and do you need that stuff because you feel dependent?

Interesting point Winfried, I am not talking about personal power which
can construed to mean grandiosity and succession and physical power. I am
also not talking about personal dependence rather the collective
dependence of a complex adaptive system.




Gavin Ritz <>

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