Colour falls... recovery LO24937

Date: 06/21/00

>Navigating Complexity LO4751 Map vs. Directions
>John Zavacki
>Wed, 10 Jan 1996

>Stephen B. Wehrenberg wrote:
>> big snip concerning belief and nonbelief in control of self-direction
>> Thus ... it follows from this conjecture that personal mastery, team
>> learning, and individual and shared vision are more likely to be
>> grasped
>> and operationalized by those who have an internal orientation, and
>> nearly
>> unintelligible to folks on the distant external end of Rotter's scale
>> of measure.
>> There are some interesting and not altogether pleasant connections
>> between this and Charles Murray's theories in his controversial book.
>> coauthored with Herrnstein), The Bell Curve.
>> The reductio ad absurdum, not necessarily absurd, of this line of
>> reasoning, is that the concept of the learning organization (and
>> systems
>> thinking) will be lost on a large segment of the polulation ... and
>> what do we think about that?

>I agree that the concept may be lost (for some time) on a large segment
>of the population. But just as education in the main has "rubbed off" on
>"the masses" over time and raised the collective consciousness by a jot,
>so too the learning organization may effect its upstream and downstream
>neighbours. To take the reduction further into absurdity (which is,
>afterall, the spice of life), very few inhabitants on this planet
>understand the concept of relativity, yet.....

Dear John and Steve,

Hi both of you, I reached back in time on the wings of a Red Kite that I
saw reeling, in the rising winds of a thermal.

The great buzzards in SW France sit on their posts in the morning,
unblinking. The Kite has yet to learn to sit Zazen.

Watched a tv doc. about salmon returning to spawn in the birthing rivers,
well, heck, if 1996 isn't a birthing river here, what is?

We write the speak of navigation, and senge rutters so let me then give a
wholly (holy) 'nother contextual arrangement, let me call it 'colour
falls' and dedicate it to the wolf of Ohio and next you meet the silver
shimmered caste this thought and not a line, as you see him and his
brothers and sisters swim against the current of the way back home.

Question became, How the heck do they get thousands of miles upstream to
the birthing grounds? It was proffered that each river valley and
confluence thereof was subjected to a unique blend of chemical and
bilogical debris filtered in my slow annual accretions and rainfall, and
this ~~ so to say, scented the river, each as is the case upon case and
even the little streams, imbued with a unique perfume, so the fish follow
the scent of their home valley, suffused, infused, confused into the
descending meander. A strange attractor indeed. Valley rain, valley living
and dying, valley moving, river connecting transporting, fish absorbing
more than mere moisture but memory of the whole. Is that not what Senge
said we might regain...our memory of the whole. Just another cycle in the
collecting song, what - a four bar melody?


Andrew campbell
North Moreton
(Surrounding streams)


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