Dialogue, language, learning LO25573

From: Richard Seel (richard@richard-seel.demon.co.uk)
Date: 11/02/00

Replying to LO25560 --


You wrote:

>Is it not amasing that the most famous mathematicians (e.g.
>Fermat, Descartes, Poincare) come from the French speaking world; most of
>the famous phycisits (Einstein, Planck, Kepler, Oppenheim) came from the
>German world; is it not strange that so much famous painters came from
>such small country as the Dutch lowlands (including Netherlands and
>Flanders)?? That is what plays in my mind.

Oh dear! And I thought myself such a reasonable, liberal, citizen of the
universe... But beneath the surface I am just as chauvinist as the next

I wouldn't argue about the composers, nor the painters, nor even perhaps
the mathematicians, but what about the physicists?

Bacon, Newton, Young, Maxwell, Faraday, Dirac, Hawking... I think that
this list can hold its own against any other linguistic group - but then,
I'm biased!

Yours, tongue in cheek,


Richard Seel

New Paradigm Consulting
Organisation Consultancy & Development

Seabrink, Beach Road, Bacton Green, Norfolk NR12 0EP, UK.
+44 (0)1692 650 706


Richard Seel <richard@richard-seel.demon.co.uk>

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