Polanyi, The Tacit Dimension LO25875

From: Artur F. Silva (artsilva@mail.eunet.pt)
Date: 01/12/01

Replying to LO25846

Hello At:

At 16:51 05-01-2001 +0200, AM de Lange wrote:

>However, Artur made me thinking deeply over the festive period. He insists
>that "tacit knowledge" is of a higher order than "formal knowledge". I
>suggested to him that he may be confusing "formal knowledge" which inside
>a person with "information" which can be formulated outside a person. This
>is one possibility. However, there is also another possibility. That is
>the wisdom not articulate certain knowledge which will be detrimental at a
>too immature stage of development. That wisdom is tacit (but not tacit
>knowledge) to those whom the knowledge cannot be articulated. This is
>exactly what Winfried has written about.

First, I have used (as Polanyi) "tacit knowing" and not "tacit knowledge".
Now you understand why...

Second: you said:

>That wisdom is tacit (but not tacit
>knowledge) to those whom the knowledge cannot be articulated.

Here we go again: tacit knowing is the one that CAN NOT be
articulated (by no one)...



PS: have you already read your Christmas books? Did you began
with the one I have suggested?


"Artur F. Silva" <artsilva@mail.eunet.pt>

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