Knowledge life cycle? LO26057

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 02/04/01

Replying to LO26037 --

Hello Ana,

Life moves in spirals, small spirals in our heads and large spirals of
clusters of galaxies. I like to think in cycles too, short cycles, long
cycles, interacting cycles. Our moving (feeling, thinking, knowing,
acting) moves in cycles too and moves us in cycles...

You raise the question how to map these cycles: the map is not the
terrain. And knowledge is map and terrain. It contains a "strange loop",
like the "Picture Gallery by Escher, the picture that is it's own picture
galary. When one looks at the map, you cannot see the terrain. When you
travel the terrain, it is hard to compare it with the map. And when the
map is the terrain, it (knowing) is riddled with inconsistencies or
paradoxes. (Some paradoxes have interesting labels, like "time", "God",
"mind", "life" other are more mundane like "leadership", "regression",
"creation" and "knowledge". A paradox can be recognized by its cyclic and
seemingly contradictionary nature, that is, the paradox appears when on
starts to think about them).

Knowledge is a cycle, but not a cycling word. Knowing, now we're getting
somewhere, is to knowledge like what moving is to motion like feeling to
emotion, living life. It is cycling, cycling on the yellow brick road,
knowing that, in the end, the travelling is the (only) goal and I can
always go home, the moment I feel like going home, want to be, know it is,
become home.

I use, adding to the list supplied by our kind host, these cycles:

=> committing <=> communicating <=> trusting (confiding) <=> co-operating <=


forming => storming => norming => performing =>


accepting => informing => ordening => undertaking =>


green => yellow => blue => red

They can all be mapped on the learning cycle or Kolb's cycle and on a
mandala (circle in a square), for instance the one supplied by Jung.

Also, in my view, short cuts are allowed: so connecting doing directly to
reflecting or back to planning is alright. Like in "Planning consists of
writing histories". Or "do .. do .. do .. act ... check ... plan". I used
to say "inorderly action is preferable to orderly inaction". And "no
amount of planning will compensate for sheer luck".

Think it helped?

Kind regards,

Jan Lelie

Ana Neves wrote:

> Create, share, store, evaluate. These are some of the verbs used as phases
> of the knowledge cycle. Most authors present their own prespective of this
> cycle and each one makes his/her point (welcome, Oblio). Maybe that is why
> I always assumed that, in fact, there is a knowledge cycle.
> However, I think it was last week, I found myself questioning this
> assumption. I think I was trying to draw one knowledge cycle. I was
> thinking about the phases I wanted to include and, after deciding on
> those, I just couldn't put them in sequence. It was then that I started
> questioning the cycle.

With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Lelie

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development mind@work est. 1998 - Group Resolution Process Support Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -

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