Wonder if there is life in here.. LO26126

From: Pixie Delite (pixie_delite@hotmail.com)
Date: 02/13/01

Replying to LO26122 --

thank you for this glimpse into the 'life' of one of the aliens :)
it meant a lot....but i ask again...

.. is this life i wonder.....
.....or survival of the fittest....

........ for the sake of......whatever....but...life....or???

i like the phrase at the bottom that you had:
"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and
dangerous without a loving heart."

hmmmm interesting thoughts going through my mind. but we'll save that for

This is an LO chain after all....learning....organization.

by the way...my name is Joy.... in real. I forgot to put my bittythingymabob
in last msg bottom...


"Pixie Delite" <pixie_delite@hotmail.com>

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