LO and Non-Profit & Higher Ed settings LO26525

From: Gabbard,Glenn (gabbard@nso1.uchc.edu)
Date: 04/16/01


I'm interested in knowing more about how non-profit organizations as well
as higher education settings are reinventing themselves as learning
organizations. I know that some folks at Brandeis University were working
on a text connecting LO thinking with non-profit settings, but I've lost
track of who is doing what in that area.

Any broad suggestions of current references would be very helpful.

Thanks much.

Glenn Gabbard

Glenn Gabbard
Division of Child and Family Studies
Department of Pediatrics
University of Connecticut Health Center
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington CT 06030-1920

phone: 860.679.1530 ... 617.558.5892
fax: 860.679.1571 ... 617.558.0645


"Gabbard,Glenn" <gabbard@nso1.uchc.edu>

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