Process - Structure LO26815

From: Don Dwiggins (
Date: 06/13/01

Replying to LO26667 --

Leo Minnigh writes:
> Well, now I think over my own words and yours, I begin to hesitate. Was it
> wise of me to suggest the Divina Comedia as part of the reading list for
> managers? I am not sure, because I think that precious works of art or
> nature in the wrong hands will destroy these works. Should we start
> creating a reserve for precious things on this planet and place a strong
> watcher at the entrence of this reserve? This watcher allows only those
> who have passed an examination of good behaviour and who have showed their
> ability to enjoy the precious works.

This of course brings to mind Juvenal's line "Who watches the watchers?".

On another list, I sae the following from one Alex Martelli:

>> And now, for a bit of heresy, I wonder if there isn't something to
>> be said, in addition to the ease of Python, against Python too?

  {Python is a programming language -- DD}

> Sure -- I'll start. The same argument as was made by many in
> the Church when the novel and troublesome idea of teaching higher
> culture to laymen first surfaced (a bit less than 1,000 years
> ago, in Bologna -- accidentally my hometown). "If we let just
> EVERYBODY have this [knowledge/programming-power], they'll just
> do WHATEVER they want without our wise guidance for their good!".
> This is clearly unacceptable and MUST be squelched.

> The Churchmen were right, btw. From the Alma Mater Studiorum
> (official name of Bologna's teaching organization from the 11th
> century -- "Universitas" is a rather newer word, also coined here
> in Bologna) came the thinkers who told the Emperor his power's
> legitimacy did NOT descend from the Pope, sparking centuries of
> clashes and wars between Emperors and Popes, ending the relative
> quiet of the Middle Ages and fostering the emergence of such
> blights as city-states, capitalism, the Renaissance, eventually
> the Reformation.

Leo again:
> Should we concentrate the good and beautiful in a earthly paradise or
> should we hide these things in between the bad and ugly all over and
> around the world? Who is the Solomon between us who could give the answer?

I'm hardly Solomon, but I'll hazard an observation: I think the Law of
Requisite Complexity would lead us to be very careful when trying to draw
lines between the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.


Don Dwiggins "May those who free themselves from the conquest by others SEI Information Technology not fall into the predicament of the conquerers." -- At de Lange

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