Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises LO26874

From: Chris Macrae (
Date: 06/23/01

Replying to LO26864 --

Sounds as if you had to have over 20,000 employees to compete for this

I guess the one that surprises me is the World Bank. I can well believe
they spent a lot of money on systems, but my opinion of one is that they
are very blind to certain kinds of knowledge they need -anyone else for or
against World Bank as a perfect KM case study?

chris macrae , DC

> The winners of Teleos 4th Annual Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE)
> study, are:
> 1. General Electric
> 2. Hewlett-Packard
> 3. Buckman Laboratories
> 4. World Bank
> 5. Microsoft
> 6. BP
> 7. Siemens
> 8. Skandia
> 9. McKinsey & Company
> 10. Cisco Systems
> on the On the KNOW network site


"Chris Macrae" <>

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