Shared Vision or Shared Cliches? LO26890

From: Dressler, Winfried (
Date: 06/25/01

Replying to LO26811 --

Dear At,

>Who has "character", the desert elephant or the human with his 4x4 seeking

I have counted your use of the word "character". You wrote 7 times
""character"" (in brackets), 4 times "character" (without brackets) and 5
times ""character of somebody"".

Isn't "character" one of those words, which are usually not applied to
oneself but mainly to others and then in order to judge them as good or
bad? (Like in Shared Vision which is good and Shared Cliches which is
bad?) And I am wondering whether a shared vision of a good character can
avoid to be a cliche in fact?

>The masters in every kind of slavery so far had one thing in common. They
>were "free energy vampires".

"free energy vampires", what a bad character - yet, "they" are we, all of
us, each of us. Ok, with a few exceptions, maybe including you (any
reader). I am not supposed to put my finger so directly on this high
voltage. But this is what I have come to feel.

>It is not imprisonment which shape this
>"character of somebody". It is shaped by the forces and patterns of
>evolution (morphogenesis) just like anything else.

And we are not masters of evolution, as you have put it in another mail:
emergence is not a skill. This means also that character is not a merit.

Is there any hope for a vampire to become human again?

Liebe Gruesse,


"Dressler, Winfried" <>

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