Tragedy of the Commons Issues LO26905

From: Dressler, Winfried (
Date: 06/28/01

Replying to LO26878 --

LJ Stevens wrote:

>To our chagrin we learned that
>knocking over the trees is a vital part of an extremely finely-tuned
>eco-system. Consequently, when solutions similar to ours had been tried,
>without exception, they did far more damage to the eco-system than the
>elephants. If I recall correctly, my brilliant idea of planting more trees
>was the worst action that could have been taken. As you've probably
>guessed, the best "solution" for the eco-system was to leave well enough

allowing me to try a definition of "tragedy": The story of the necessary
unfoldings after a violation of a finely-tuned eco-system. This may well
be also the system of rule (human, social). The young hero on his quest
for freedom clashes agains the system of rule, symbolized by mythical
powers which finally kill him. I am wondering what social role played the
telling of tragedies: Obey the system? Overcome the system? If we had more
tragedies to tell today, would we experience less of them? On the other
side, I may define a "comedy" as an individual success story. How much is
a mind packed full with comedies proned to stumble from one tragedy into
the next?

Liebe Gruesse,


"Dressler, Winfried" <>

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