Continual Learning Benchmarks LO27064

From: Dressler, Winfried (
Date: 07/26/01

Replying to LO27041 --

Tom asked:

>What organizations are the best at providing continual learning for their

Those which organized according to and along the learning of it's members.
Organizations which reflect the state of learning of it's members.
Organizations where no member has to say: "We should be doing this and
that, but this is not possible in our organization."

>Why are they the best?

They fit best to the purpose of it and what the members currently know
about how to fulfill this purpose. So although not "optimized" for
fulfilling the purpose, they provide the optimal level of lessons to be
learned for the next future.

Thanks for the questions. Looking forward to more thoughts on the
conditions on SU (surrounding) in order to foster, nourish and sustain
learning of SY (system).

Liebe Gruesse,


"Dressler, Winfried" <>

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