Communities of Practice LO27079

From: Jim Marshall (
Date: 07/28/01

Replying to LO27058 --

Hi all

I like the clarity of Barry's question. I feel there is too much
theoretrical and doctrinaire attachment to the "right" answer being
brought to bear. We need patient empirical work.

In my own experience in management, I have recently worked with the Board
of Management of a voluntary non-profit membership association
(incorporated) and, over three years, there has been a collective learning
effect of sorts. Today, there are cultural norms which stipulate that
they keep out of operational matters and stay with the strategic and that
the Board members each take responsibility for self-managing impulses to
not have due diligence brought to bear on every matter for decision.
Now, new members are explicitly inducted into these norms, which have also
by now had to be written down.

Is this a case of the kind of group-level learning which we "believe"

Jim Marshall
Brisbane, Australia

 --- Fred Nickols <> wrote:
> >Are there not hypotheses, backed by phenomenological evidence, that groups
> >of organisms possess discernable attributes usually not seen in
> >individuals members of the group?
> I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised. Six men
> can certainly lift a
> log that one couldn't and two can converse whereas
> one can only talk to
> himself. It's difficult to grapple with such a
> sweeping statement.


Jim Marshall <>

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