What is an Operational Definition? LO27114

From: demingtw (demingtw@ms17.hinet.net)
Date: 08/07/01

Replying to LO27111 --

Dear Andrew and other friends,

Andrew's soul dwells in two bodies at least, and his story of Picasso made
us associate with "Loving Picasso" By Fernande Olivier. I prefer Picasso's
other ex-wives' book, such as "Picasso and Matisse". Picasso used to think
that all the sketches needed to be done in a single run, not as Matisse's,
in a dozen runs.

What is an operational definition of a piece of faked Picasso? " This is a
faked Picasso by Picasso" said Picasso. This is not only reminded us M.
Focault's Pipe, it also reminded us " The X of X " by C. West Churchman
("Challenge to Reason", 1968. " If men begin to understand what they are
trying to do, they may understand the worse as well as the better about
themselves. Can they stand to understand?" After nearly 34 years, does his
"The Systems Approach" still alive? Or in the trilogy review papers in
Systemic Practice & Action Research?).

The story of advertisement is very interesting. For this reason, a
dialogue with your friend is sometimes worth more than a thousand

Best wishes,

Hanching Chung


demingtw <demingtw@ms17.hinet.net>

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