Measuring and accelerating employee learning curves LO27494

From: Bill Harris (
Date: 11/01/01

Replying to LO27463 --

"Walter Derzko" <> wrote:

> Who is doing work on measuring and accelerating employee learning curves i.
> e within financial services industries if I can be more specific.
> I have seen several approaches to this problem ....tacit-explicit-tacit
> knowledge transfer; growth from novice to expert; and viable systems
> modeling and matching requisite variety.
> Are there any other ways to address the measurement and acceleration of
> employee learning curves?


It's good to see you here again.

Bob Williams and I have a chapter in _Effective Change Management Using
Action Research and Action Learning: Concepts, Frameworks, Processes and
Applications_ (see )
dealing with our learning logs. While they don't really address the
measurement issue I think you're interested in, they may address the
learning curve acceleration. You can find the learning logs information



Bill Harris                                  3217 102nd Place SE
Facilitated Systems                          Everett, WA 98208 USA               phone: +1 425 337-5541

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