New leadership Theories LO27522

From: chris macrae (
Date: 11/08/01

Replying to LO27495 --

I would recommend Managing Interactively by Mary Boone. She's actually
interviewed leaders of companies who have embraced digital culture as to
what ways leaders have to change if the whole company is going to make the
most of knowledge sharing

You might also look at the upcoming book Work2.0 by Bill Jensen, summary
of which is at If you buy the near term trends on
organisational futures demanded by this book, there's clearly new
behaviours and structural change leadership needed at the top of

In another area, a group of us are working on a book which provides the
first corporate audit of intangibles and human relationships. These now
account for up to 85 per cent of the growth/decline of major companies but
as yet are systematically ignored by measurement, whereas the tangible 15%
is measured in over-precise detail. Plenty of stuff will emerge on what
leaders need to do once the whole organisation starts monitoring the 85%
of what drives the company, but not in a tidy structured form until this
time next year. If people have traditional frames of leadership/management
which they would like to compare (before and after intangibles are
measurably understood around the organisation) that's one of the sections
we are working on in our book and we would of course, fully reference
contributors who help us make these comparative appraisals.

chris macrae,

> > I need some material on New Leadership theories and compare them with
> >Contengency Theories of leadership. Can any one point me to the right
> >books and/or internet sites that can provide me good information on new
> >leadership theories.


"chris macrae" <>

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