Bowles LO27660: organizational story(telling)

From: Don Dwiggins (
Date: 12/29/01

Replying to LO27636 --

Andrew inquires:
> Dear Learners,

> I have this snippet(s) below and I have no idea who Bowles is...can anyone
> please tell me about this man?

Doing a Google search for "bowles organizational myth and meaning" got me
the following URL, which looks like the origin of the snippets you quote;
The Bowles citation is "Bowles, M. L. (1989). Myth, meaning, and work
organization. Organization Studies, 10(3): 405-421."

Looks like the article may be interesting to some of this group; the title
is "Organizational Story and Storytelling: A Critical Review", and the
abstract reads:

  The stories told in organizations offer researchers and OD practitioners a
  natural entry point to understanding and intervening in the culture(s) of
  an organization. Informed by perspectives of social constructivism,
  organizational symbolism, and critical theory, key studies of
  organizational story and storytelling are examined, multidisciplinary
  foundations are identified, and challenges to the application of story
  work in organizations are presented.

(Disclaimer: I've only scanned the article briefly.)

Warmest regards,


Don Dwiggins "How can we remember our ignorance, which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time?" -- Henry David Thoreau

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