Re; Intro -- Ross Wirth LO27690

From: Andrew Wong (
Date: 01/21/02

Replying to LO27679 --

Wirth, Ross wrote:

>With top management blessing a core, self-nominated team has developed a
>vision of a desired organization. We are now moving into implementation
>of some grassroot demonstration projects that are designed to widen
>employee involvement without turning the effort into a major, top-heavy
>corporate initiative. We feel that a foundation for this approach to
>organizational change is self- leadership throughout the organization.
>In rolling out some initial communities of practice I became aware of the
>lack of self-leadership competency and we are currently working to
>develop these skills through experiential learning in small groups. To
>overcome the lack of content experts in each group, we are planning to
>use a structured agenda and exercises that can be run with a facilitator
>role that is rotated among group members. Our hope is that the content,
>awareness, and group encouragement will provide a safe environment for
>testing new ideas, especially in determining the limits of current

I am experimenting much in the area of "organisational learning" from
collection of individauls, with emphasis on "Personal Mastery" one of the
5 disciplines of LO.

IMHO and sharing my experience ...

For example, in the above case "With top management blessing a core .."
if the blessing is withdrawn and the group still continues with its
crafted vision, then the chance of success is strong.

It is interesting to note "use a structured agenda and exercises that can
be run with a facilitator role that is rotated among group members. Our
hope is that the content, awareness, and group encouragement will provide
a safe environment for testing new ideas .."

it is certainly a democratic approach. However, the group will still be
limited by the collective mental models. Some sort of intervention may
still be required to challenge that group thinking.

What are the views from the rest ...

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"Andrew Wong" <>

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