Nested relationships in learning organizations LO27695

From: Swan, Steve R (Contractor) (
Date: 01/21/02

Replying to LO27675 --

The cited piece can be found at:

Very respectfully, Steve

Stephen R. Swan
STRICOM Field Support Representative
Solutions Integration Division, IITRI
Ft Knox, KY
Comm: 502.624.6806
DSN: 464.6806
Cell: 270.304.8698
Fax: 502.624.8140

>One article that addresses nested communities in education is:
>Resnick, L., & Hall, M.W. (Fall 1998). Learning organizations for
>sustainable education reform. Daedalus, 127(4), 89-119.
>Harriett J. Robles


"Swan, Steve R (Contractor)" <>

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