Accounting and Economics LO27701

Date: 01/21/02

Replying to LO27693 --

In a message dated 1/21/02 8:40:51 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

>> Where is the virtue, who is the virtuous. Does it matter and do we
> I don't believe many of the virtues or the virtuous are found in business.
> Nope. I don't think so.

Maybe we need to look to the schools teaching our business people. I
believe if we want the business community to change then we must change
the academic world that teaches business people.

As one who works in the world of acadamia teaching Quality Management and
the philosophy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, I find that students are amazed
when they hear that there is another way to manage, to lead people.
Deming's principles of management, systems thinking are barely taught in
our schools, yet, management by accounting, proliferation of management by
results with more and more accalaids for the Jack Welch types are
insulting to those of us who know that businesses can succeed without
sacrificing basic principles of trust, honesty, stewardship of others and
the environment.

I hope that the Enron calamity wakes people up. As Deming noted, Survival
is optional. I am sorry for those who lost there savings because of the
acts of greedy people. But, if you want Ethical behavior, you must expect
it. It starts with each one of us doesn't it?

Regards to all

Linda Ortberg


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