Something to behold LO27762

Date: 02/05/02

Check the link below...This is really a sight to behold!

> "The image is a panoramic view of the world from the new space
>station. It is a night photo with the lights clearly indicating the
>populated areas. You can scroll East-West and North-South. Note that
>Canada's population is almost exclusively along the U.S. border. Moving
>to Europe, there is a high population concentration along the
>Coast. It's easy to spot London, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna. Check out
>development of Israel compared to the rest of the Arab countries.
> "Note the Nile River and the rest of the "Dark Continent". After
>Nile, the lights don't come on again until Johannesburg. Look at the
>Australian Outback and the Trans-Siberian Rail Route. Moving east, the
>striking observation is the difference between North and South Korea.
>the density of Japan.
> "What a piece of photography. It is an absolutely awesome picture
>the Earth taken from the Boeing built Space Station last November on a
>perfect night with no obscuring atmospheric conditions."
>Hope you enjoy


Harriett J. Robles


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