(no subject) LO28040

From: Rol Fessenden (rol@fessenden.net)
Date: 03/21/02

Replying to LO28026 --


Sorry to interrupt, but I could not pass it up. As an American I have
OBSERVED people I loved who gained new information, but were not able to
change their beliefs. I have to BELIEVE that has happened to you as well.
So. Neither. Observation.

And number 2, what do you think/believe/observe? This is a real good
question. As an optimist I must believe...


>May I ask two questions amid the movements.
> 1/ Is that statement a function of your knowledge, your belief, neither
>or both?
> 2/ You predicate with "Unfortunately" so would the fortune;-) be much
>changed it if were different ;-)?


"Rol Fessenden" <rol@fessenden.net>

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