Golden rules LO28054

From: Alfred Rheeder (
Date: 03/25/02

Replying to LO28009 --

Good Day Laura,

You wrote:

> I'm a bit lost here. Maybe it's very simple but am I just missing the
> point.

> I thought Alfred's list

> > >Do unto others
> > >Do unto all others
> > >Do unto all others unlike me/us etc......
> very illustrative of how a well meant rule (or guideline - Winfried :) )
> can create fragmentation.

I would add the following to your sentence: very illustrative of how a well
meant rule can create fragmentation When/If .....
I am adding the words When/If to indicate that I have experienced "this"
fragmentation under certain/specific circumstances.

I think that it is important that we realise that a sentence like DO UNTO
OTHERS ... unfolds into one-to-many possibilities. The articulation of
the possibilities assist me increasingly to form a more coherent complex
understanding of the whole/reality. Each possibility complements the

Here in South Africa we have allot of experience of how a well meant rule
can create fragmentation. Growing up and going to Church I often heard
the words DO UNTO OTHERS.... Today I can clearly state that I then never
heard for e.g. DO UNTO ALL OTHERS UNLIKE ME...... Take note that "my"
Church justified Apartheid during those years. We fragmented reality.
During those days some people were not white enough. Unfortunately today
it seems that some people aren't black enough.

Ignoring the one-to-many possibilities can be devastating like the damage
Apartheid caused to the peoples in South Africa.

> But now you seem to agree that adding 'at least' is the next logical
> step... So maybe you were thinking along a different path??

I would disagree with the articulation "the next logical step" although I
think I understand what you are saying. I do not think that the
one-to-many possibilities can be described/explained in full by means of
following any specific logical steps. Dare I say that to many dimensions
is at work here. I would therefore rather remark that certain
patterns/trends can be observed. I belief a sensitivity to these trends
and patterns is important.

To me adding At's "at least" is the articulation of one of the many
possibilities that in my mind increases the complexity of my own

Not thinking along complete different paths ...


Alfred Rheeder


Alfred Rheeder <>

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