Outfoldenmentality (Was enfoldementality) LO28076

From: Daan Joubert (daanj@kingsley.co.za)
Date: 03/26/02

Replying to LO28018

   in which Andrew wrote:

> And a Golden rule in a Darkened room.. what's the point of that?

   Dear Andrew and other Learners

   As I am learning, Andrew, you enjoy this ability to bring new
   perspectives - as At wrote, the artist in you will out. Yes, " . . a
   Golden Rule in a darkened room . . . precedes what I later wrote in "
   . . one hand clapping " (LO 28025) and you said in one sentence what
   took me much more verbiage to try and convey. The Golden Rule deals
   with values in relationships and when one is isolated from the world -
   perhaps a little darkened room called a cocoon? - there are none!

   Andrew, you then continued with:


> Dear Daan...do not become a Southern Star fixed in
> the heavens... as some might adhere you to the darker regions.
> Have and create many omissions as any painter might,
> space creation for a newer plenitude (how large is that
> beating heart?) Sing and dance in the joys of a new found
> ambivalence, how close is a happy and slaughtered lamb...
> but knot in His Field. Oh no and Oh yes, Both/And to the
> end of any Kingdom come;-) Small shifts make friends of joy and
> sorrow in a turning and delicate poised world of awaiting metanoia.

   I wish, I wish . . . Some people have the spirit of the poet and the
   artist and the talent and practiced ability to bring forth what brews
   inside them and thereby to make a revelation for others to share. Some
   lack that spirit and may even not be able to find joy in the
   revelations made visible by those with the Gift. The latter are to be

   And then there are some who desire to compose words or notes or to
   bring paint to canvas to bring forth what they want to share - but the
   ability to so is lacking. It is the blind at the pageant; the deaf in
   the audience while a Beethoven plays the Emperor for the first time;
   it is the water in the well catching just a brief glimpse of sunlight.

> Empathy. Mmmmmm.

> Then star nor sun shall waken,
> Nor any change of light:
> Nor sound of waters shaken,
> Nor any sound or sight:
> Nor wintry leaves nor vernal;
> Nor days nor things diurnal;
> Only the sleep eternal
> In an eternal night.

> That tears shall drown the wind.

   Thank you, friend and poet.

   And then you also wrote:

> Daan, so many tears, so many fields, so many lambs.

> Daan, could you find, for US here, a new lamb in the desert
> :: Daan, are lambs born to live in deserts

   Dear Andrew, At is the one who knows about deserts.

   All I can bring to YOU all is the idea that without purpose, without a
   definite destination the traveller through life may get to know many
   far vistas, visit many places, cross deserts and get to meet many
   people, even 'learn' how to cope with the vicissitudes that come hir
   way, yet never arrives. AnyWhere.

   And it is that arrival - that coming home! - that is like a new birth.
   Even for a lamb.

> Can we not 'ring' old silence into a new dawn.

   If one could wave a wand . . .
   How much waving there would be.


   Daan Joubert
   Looking at Southern Stars turning
   South Africa


Daan Joubert <daanj@kingsley.co.za>

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