Drawbacks of LO LO28109

From: CGCMIke@aol.com
Date: 03/29/02

Replying to LO28082 --

>James Collins is also co-author (with Jerry Porras) of "Build to Last". I
>assume that the conclusions of the 2 books don't run in completely
>opposite directions...

Jim Collins and James are the same person. In the last chapter of "Good
to Great" Jim explains the linkages to the stories in "Built to Last."
Essentially the mikey short, short story version: Once companies become
great the attributes that Collin's describes in the "Built to Last" book
come into play. Jim has an index at the back that links the two. If
several people have an interest, I will recap them......otherwise ya'll
can visit your local library.

Jim has a very simplistic model at the start of the final chapter:
Established Co or Start-up ..+ .. Good to Great
Concepts...yields....Sustained Great Results.....+..... built to last
concepts....yields.......Enduring Great Company.

I will share one recap:

"Enduring great companies don't exist merely to deliver returns to
shareholders. Indeed, in a truly great company, profits and cash flow
become the blood and water to a healthy body: they are absolutely
essential for life, but they are not the very point of life."

Best wishes to all,
Michael Bremer



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