Theoretically Perfect LO - Part II LO28118

From: John Dicus (
Date: 03/30/02

Replying to LO28117 --

Dear LO List,

After writing about theoretically perfect LO's, I remembered some words
from a book written by Annie Dillard called "Holy The Firm." The first
piece of this was quoted in Christina Baldwin's "Calling The Circle."
The second piece seems to address our quest for "perfection."

 ---- quote ----

There is no one but us. There is no one to send, nor a clean hand nor a
pure heart on the face of the earth, nor in the earth, but only us,

A generation comforting ourselves with the notion that we have come at an
awkward time, that our innocent fathers are all dead -- as if innocence
had ever been -- and our children busy and troubled,

And we ourselves unfit, not yet ready, having each of us chosen wrongly,
made a false start, failed,

Yielded to impulse and the tangled comfort of pleasures, and grown
exhausted, unable to seek the thread, weak and involved.

But there is no one but us. There never has been.

 ---- end quote ----

There have been generations which remembered, and generations which

There has never been a generation of whole men and women who lived well
even for one day.

Yet some have imagined well, with honesty and art, the detail of such a
life, and have described it with such grace, that we mistake vision for
history, dream for description,

And fancy that life has devolved.

Take Care,



John Dicus | CornerStone Consulting Associates - Leadership - Systems Thinking - Teamwork - Open Space - Electric Maze - 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City, OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (2729 fax) |

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