Theoretically Perfect LO - Part I LO28129

Date: 03/31/02

Replying to LO28117 --

Dear John Dicus,

 - Truth like gold may be so buried in the dark and hardness of rock and
by surroundings of impurities as to make it seem to some;-) not worth it
to pay the cost;-) of its extraction. The problem for many seekers of
perfection;-) is that of people who like to grasp and hold firm the
sparkling bubble as it floats;-) that becomes common water at the touch.
Phantom perfection vanishes as its pressed to the bosom. Maybe the
problems reside more fully in those who expect this 'perfection', rather
than with those who work to some 'perfect expectation' even though those
practitioners of 'vaporous' theory may all too often fall short of its

In the above I am indebted to reading dear Dr. Johnson, and this is
something perhaps more to the unpointy point of perfection attained in the
round, here and elsewhere, today. " The progress of reformation depends
upon many gradual and imperceptible causes. The business of life is
carried on by a general co-operation; in which the part of any single man
can be no more distinguished, than the effect of a particular drop of
water when the meadows are floated by a summer shower: Yet every drop
increases the inundation, and every hand adds to the happiness or misery
of mankind." When Observation surveys Mankind in his 'The Vanity of Human
Wishes' she discerns how ' Hope and Fear, Desire and Hate, /O'erspread
with Snares the clouded Maze of Fate.' Generalizations about our to'ing's
and fro'ings invites, it seems, despair.

For some want this child thing called LO to have the bone and muscle of a
man because they have great triumphs now needs) to make in her name, but
to some I suspect and I for one, she is like a tiny child, to be cared
for. The LO is a kind;-) (kinder<>child) of truth that should lead to
authentic doubt, not cheap banner slogans pat phrases, marketing junk
lines, and casual freebies. Beginnings like that of a child prepare us
for many surprises. Not so much what is it, but more what may it become.

Some faced with a darkness will want to take some torch or other, but
there is an alternative I learned tonight by way of metaphor, it is to
take, to imagine taking, the hand of the Creator which is greater than any
beam of light and to follow then a thin fractal;-) path that is by far and
away no less certain than any that may be followed in a complexifying
broadening daylight.

What did that ragged man say as he passed me furiously by...



Andrew Campbell


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