Workplace Reform Agenda LO28229

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 04/14/02

I note John Howard is resuming his push for more 'workplace reform'. I
really don't think he knows the meaning of the words. It seems he draws
his ideas from such groups as the H.R. Nicholls Society, and the Institute
for Private Enterprise.

I recently wrote to the H.R. Nicholls Society about productivity
improvement. The reply indicated a lack of interest in the subject.

I'd believe the Liberal Party pundits weren't simply union bashing, if
they included the words Employee Share Ownership, Open Book Management and
Productivity Gainsharing in their rhetoric.

I suggest the old adversarial approach to industrial relations has no
relevance in our times. The Liberal Party are simply doing damage for
political gain when they pursue their current course. Their political
dogma seems to promote a two class society, with extremes of wealth and

If you have an interest in this subject I recommend you read the papers

I was particularly intersted in the references to the 'Fair Employment
Bill'. Incidentally there really is such a thing as 'unfair dismissal',
and a lot of employers are guilty of it.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


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