What words should be defined? LO29018

From: Ellery July (ejuly@NWAF.org)
Date: 08/16/02

What words/phases need to be defined or agreed to up front that enables an
efficient and positive experiences for those new to LO? You know those
that do not have time/energy/desire to read books.

An organizational learning process uses words, many with a variety of
definitions. Certain words initially can create confusion for people new
to LO work and processes. Even the word "learning" can convey multiple
meanings and connotations.

Having seem many processes and projects where the definition of words
slows and hinders progress, beyond good facilitation skills, what are some
methods people have used to minimize the "what does that word really mean

ellery july
Northwest Area Foundation
phone - 651-225-3895


Ellery July <ejuly@NWAF.org>

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