OL in New Zealand LO29044

From: Mark Feenstra (mark@practicefield.org)
Date: 08/21/02

Fellow learners from New Zealand,

Today I met with a man named Andy Bell who is in a managerial role at
present and is interested in making contact with other OL practitioners in
and around Auckland who are interested in sharing their learning at a
practical level. He is not presently on this list so I offered to provide
his contact details in case there are people here who are interested in
connecting with him.

As I understand it he is only interested in making contact, at this stage,
with people working internally in an organization, as he is.

His contact details are: andy.bell@paradise.net.nz

Warm regards

Mark Feenstra
ph +64 9 5755166


"Mark Feenstra" <mark@practicefield.org>

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