LO in Public Schools LO29070

From: Roy Greenhalgh (rgreenh@attglobal.net)
Date: 08/27/02

Replying to LO29064 --


You might like to look at www.clexchange.org.

Creative Learning Exchange is an association of teachers of all grades in
US schools, and the officers of some of the education authorities in some
of the states.

They have been championed by Jay Forrester, George Richardson, and the
sadly late Barry Richmond. While they concentrate on Systems Dynamics,
there is a good underbelly of Systems Thinking in all their work.

I attended their 2002 conference at the New England Centre and was very,
very impressed. Not only were most of the presentations given by serving
teachers who had struggled with ST and SD, there was a superb exhibition
of their students' work. I have some lovely causal loop pictures drawn by
5 and 6 year olds .. and my how I will use them with Executive managers in
the UK!

Sadly, I think it must have been one of Barry Richmond's last public
engagements as he died suddenly from a massive heart attack 4th August at
home with his family. I was impressed not least by the man's bubbling
enthusiasm for wanting to share SD with children of any age. His dream
was "that we produce a generation of system thinkers". His support for
schools by virtually giving away copies of Stella, an SD simulation
package, his attendance at even the smallest school where one teacher
struggled to introduce SD seems to be legend,

The CLE site contains hundreds of papers created by teachers and students
alike. Lesson plans, students work .. a wonderful goldmine. All the
presentation handouts for the 2002 conference are available on the site.

Roy Greenhalgh

BmemyselfI@aol.com wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> These concepts regarding Learning Organizations seem so needed in our
> public school system. Iv'e applied some of the systems theory thinking in my
> preschool classroom and the changes in behavior, classroom environment have
> been remarkable. Are these concepts being shared with the people in the
> public school systems? I sure hope so, I think it could have a profound
> influence on our society!


Roy Greenhalgh <rgreenh@attglobal.net>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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