Pegasus Conference, San Diego 9/30-10/2 LO29126

Date: 09/06/02

I am very excited to have a chance to attend Pegasus Communications
conference, "Leading in a Complex World: Systems Thinking in Action," in
San Diego, CA, 9/30-10/2. I was wondering if any other members of this
listserv are planning to attend. If so, it would be wonderful to meet you
in person and put a face to a name. Harriett.

[Host's Note: I highly recommend this conference. I have attended every
year since 1991 and have presented at most. In particular, this is a good
conference to get an overall feel for the field and the people in it. I
will not be there myself this year. Harriet and others, I hope you'll give
us a report on what you find! ..Rick]


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