Who leads an anarchy? LO29221

From: Jan Lelie (janlelie@wxs.nl)
Date: 09/23/02

Replying to LO29209 --

Of course Alan,

It is unimportant wether a leader is choosen, appointed, emerged or
created. It is important - i think - that a leader is aware of the
processes of autorization. The way a leader gains her power seems crucial
for the empowering process.

I do not think that meetings are intended to be run on democratic basis.
Most meetings will be of the tell/sell-type. Some will be more like a
consult/expert-type. Only when the implementation depends on the
co-operation (trust, commiment) of the group, a democratic way is
advisable. During crisis - anarchy - power will be the best basis for
running a meeting.

All the best,

Jan Lelie

Alan Cotterell wrote:

>Who appoints a chairman of a committee, and what is his role under the
>'rules of etiquette' ? Aren't meetings always intended to be run on a
>democratic basis?
>I don't think it's important that the leader is or isn't elected. In one
>company I worked for, we used to protect the boss from the consequences of
>his own enthusiasm. he was definitely a risk taker (and multimillionaire
>because of it).


Jan Lelie <janlelie@wxs.nl>

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