"In a word: LEARNING" (NOT = "training") LO29429

From: rol@fessenden.net
Date: 10/31/02

Replying to LO29411 --

Dear Dick,

I think we get too hung up on these kinds of dichotomies. We talk about
the gaps between management and employees, the difference between training
and larning, and the list can go on for a long time.

Of course, there are differences between managers and employees,
differences in priorities, differences in perceptions, etc. There is also
a difference between training and learning. We all need both.

Let's instead identify the overlaps, synergies, collaborative
opportunities, and so forth. If I need to know how to send an overnight
package, then I guess that is learning. If my boss thinks I need to know
how to deliver an overnight package, then by these definitions then it is
training. If I lose my job because I did not identify thes skill as a
need, then would these definitions change?

It is irrelevant. My boss and I need to discuss these issues, I need to
trust her a bit when she identifies opportunities for me to improve my
capabilities, and she needs to trust - but challenge - me a bit as well.




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