Tertiary Education LO29476

From: Alan Cotterell (acotrel@cnl.com.au)
Date: 11/09/02

I was discussing Australian Universities and their teaching methods with a
friend. I mentioned the desirability of doing one's own research to learn
about various topics.

He said that he had asked on several occasions, for the lecturer's
bibliography or source for the course notes, and was refused.

Seems many lecturers are a bit paranoid at the possibility thier students
will get to know more than themselves, and possibly ask questions the
lecturer cannot answer 'on his feet' during a lecture.

I remember working in an organisation where some workers would maintain
their little piece of information as their own property. It's a power
game. However I suggest a lecturer's 'duty of care' limits this type of
activity. I see a clear duty to empower students, and equip them for
later life.

During my own secondary education, I encountered a similar problem. No
syllabus was ever circulated, even though I asked for it. This meant that
personal study always followed the lessons. You could never 'read ahead',
and possibly stimulate 'difficult discussion' during classes.

My own approach to lecturing has been to put 'discussion papers', on the
internet so students can really participate in activities during lectures.
Examples can be seen at:


Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


"Alan Cotterell" <acotrel@cnl.com.au>

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