Tertiary Education LO29503

From: Alan Cotterell (acotrel@cnl.com.au)
Date: 11/13/02

Replying to LO29499 --

Dear At,

The first time I taught Labour Management at Dookie Agricultural College,
I had a class of only four students. I was able to use my discussion
papers effectively to promote a good level of participation. It was
particularly gratifying to discover that one of my students was dyslexic,
however he responded very positively to the format. His comment was that
he was actually able to learn much more easily as the data was aural.
The discussion helped him immensely.

The second time I taught this subject I had fifteen students, and getting
a reasonable level of participation was much more difficult. I believe
this was due to peer group pressure. Most students don't want to appear
to be 'sucking up' to the lecturer. I know this is an adolescent concept,
and many of the students were over eighteen by a couple of years. Simply
put, they hadn't grown up. Some were still very much in the shadow of
their parents.

One subject I adressed in the classes was 'taking control of our own
lives' (personal sovereignty), however some of the students still didn't
understand the necessity of determining their own futures.

Unfortunately I believe the old axiom 'you can't put an old head on young
shoulders' may be true.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell

>I myself become on occasions horrified at the "teaching" methods of
>some lecturers. The worst "teaching" method is to reproduce
>information verbatim. One lecturer was "caught out" when he told
>exactly the same joke at exactly the same place. A student of the
>previous year kept as far as possible meticulous notes, even of the
>However, i have to bear in mind that a lecturer may want the
>students to learn self how to find appropiate bibliography to the
>course. In that case i will give one reference where most of the other
>bibliography are to be found. That they will have to find themselves.
[... snip by your host... ]


"Alan Cotterell" <acotrel@cnl.com.au>

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