Viable Systems Model LO29505

Date: 11/13/02

Replying to LO29491 --

Replying to LO29491--

Yes, many different (famous?) criticisms have emerged from many different
perspectives; some examples:

 1. Critiques have pointed out that it is too much control-oriented: the
new VSM literature has responded by focusing on self-control,
self-construction, and languaging, see the works of Espejo and Harnden)

 2. Critiques have pointed out that it is too much dependent on the
organismic metaphor, thus avoiding the plurality and conflict in
social/organisational contexts (see Jackson): Beer's more recent work can
be seen as a response to that, e.g., 'syntegration' to promote effective

 3. Critiques have pointed out that the roles of observation, inquiry,
learning, and evolution are not well-defined. This perspective exemplifies
the tensions between the organisational cybernetics and the
sociocybernetics (or second-order cybernetics) standpoints (see, e.g.,
Geyer ... also )

** References:

Espejo R. (1996). Requirements for Effective Participation in
Self-Constructed Organisations. European Management Journal, 14, 4. pp.

Flood, R.L. and Jackson, M.C. (1991). Creative Problem Solving: Total
Systems Intervention, Wiley, Chichester.

Geyer, F. and van der Zouwen, J. (Eds.) (1986). Sociocybernetic Paradoxes:
Observation, Control and Evolution of Self-steering Systems, Sage, London.

Harnden, R. J. (1990). The Languaging of Models: The Understanding and
Communication of Models with Particular Reference to Stafford Beer's
Cybernetic Model of Organization Structure. Systems Practice, 3, 3. pp.

Jackson M. C. (1989). Evaluating the managerial significance of the VSM,
in: R. Espejo, R. J. Harnden (eds.), The Viable System Model:
Interpretations and Applications of Stafford Beer's VSM, pp. 407-439, John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., Great Britain, 1989


> "Helen MOLE" <> asked:
> does anyone know any famous criticisms of the viable systems model?


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