complexes in the family of nations (sic) notions LO29718

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 12/16/02

Replying to LO29697 --

Dear reader, Andrew,

and we all know what "des Poodles Kern ist"...

A few weeks ago, somebody suggested to me that "Will" can als be called
"Request for attention". So it would be: "The world as request for
attention and information."



[Host's Note: Being unknowing myself, I asked Jan about the meaning of the phrase.
He replied:

"If I remember correctly, the devil visits Dr Faustus disguised as a
poodle, a dog of the curly haired type. The dog suddenly transfroms into
Mephisto - It is a long time ago - and Faust sayd loudly something like:
"A ha, that is the centre of the poodle"

"Das also war des Pudels Kern". I looked it up: it was not the devil but
a travelling scholast (?)It used to be used as a kind of: "Aha"-erlebnis.

Jan" wrote:

>"A very moderate increase of heat would dry up all the rivers and springs"
>( Schopenhauer in World as Will and Representation Book II, 583). And,"
>Powerful as are the weapons of understanding and reason possessed by the
>human race, nine-tenths of mankind live in constant conflict with want,
>always balancing themselves with difficulty and effort on the brink of
>destruction" ( Schopenhauer in World as Will and Representation II, 584).
>Schopenhauer's closest companions were a series of poodles. Mmmmm.


Drs J.C. Lelie (Jan, MSc MBA) facilitator mind@work

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