Trust flow LO29763

From: Chris Macrae (
Date: 01/06/03

Replying to LO29754 --

Over the weekend I was producing a sereies of slides on trust-flow. If
anyone wants the originals, please ask from me at

This is text from one of the slides though I am not sure how well it reads
out of the slides context. Still I am trying to show that trust-flows
connects to so many things; probably almost any challenge you have ever
thought of as humanly complex in system terms. The reason I make this bold
claim is because the existing monopoly that is organisational governance
systems (quarterly numbers, business cases, time sheets, rewards systems)
at best ignore the dynamics of trust-flow and at worst tamper seriously
and in compound ways with the value flows. Therefore I argue that missing
trust-flow makes things compolex; installing its mapping system makes
organisation simple for humans to learn and behave truly again. This isnt
particularly revolutionary; Drucker has been calling for new
measurement-governance systems for at least 3 decades so that knowledge
workers can come out into the open and intangibles productivity lifts off
in a network-connected world. I do wonder why we have all been so
systematically deaf to his appeals....

chris macrae wimbledon

THE MAP - missing governance system
Sample the Impacts of Lost Trust-Flow

--Lost transparency causes all investors to lose except speculators &
inside traders. Info smog on dynamics of reputation causes leaders to risk
total value destruction.

--Irresponsibility & communications insensitivity of global corporates to
local cultures adds to our worldiwde webs of terrors and people in
desperate needs

--Capital policies of governments lack consistent patterning & add to
vicious system of systems: .gov versus .com

--Closed or bad employee behaviours are rewarded; teams and other open
knowledge-sharing formats are stunted

--Unique vision & values not lived; action/learning organisational
diseases fester with leaders isolated from knowledge workers. No dialogue
where system change clues can be identified. Degrades Unique Human
Promise: Passion/Pride/Purpose

--Organsiational conflicts are compounded into complexity instead of
simply being resolved before huge costs incurred

--Inconsistent investments and unsustainable innovation choices are made
due to board's lost knowledge regarding intangibles productivity. Costs &
investments are wrongly booked. System confusion multiplies over time. The
whole loses dynamic integrity having less value than parts.

--Win-Win opportunities to multiply valuation as trusted network leader
are not SWOTed, let alone communally visualised.


"Chris Macrae" <>

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