Organizational Learning, Org culture, Change management LO29836

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 01/22/03

Replying to LO29832 --

i think that the core
of that paradigm has to be creativity

At de Lange wrote:
>I agree with you. But what paradigm will entail these three fields
>which you have mentioned as integral parts of it?
>>In fact a move away from the old authoritarian paradigm to a
>>more democratic state.
>I wonder whether i can go with this? Democracies are just as prone
>to the piracy of beaurocrats, autocrats and down right dictators as
>any other system of management. Once again the world has a pitiful
>example in the country bordering our own -- Zimbabwe.
[...snip by your host...]


"Alan Cotterell" <>

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