AME Workshop at Whiting Corporation-March 6, 2003 LO29938

Date: 02/19/03

I will not be able to attend this event, but I am familiar withwhat they
are doing at Whiting. It should be interesting for anyone wanting to
learn more about Value Stream Mapping and also how to use that tool off of
the production ffoor. I will be skiing in Colorado (assuming there is
snow....tough life, but someboady had to go). For those of you on the LO
list reading this, I really find pictures as a great way to help people
learn. The lean enterprise organization's emphasis on "learning to see"
plays to this theme.

Best wishes to all,
Michael Bremer
The Cumberland Group

>An AME Workshop at Whiting Corporation
>Monee, Illinois
>March 6, 2003

>Many of the tools in the traditional Lean tool box appear on the surface
>to be reserved for the shop floor. While we look to optimize the
>cost/throughput/inventory equation of the direct labor portion of our
>processes, we often forget to work in the areas where greater costs and
>delays often lie: The material and overhead portions of our cost


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