Execution Theory - Confuciansim - Complexity LO29941

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 02/21/03

Dear Learners,

Soon it will be an appropriate time to talk about 'the receiving of
shirts'. But, right now I have a more pressing need ;-)

Of Clay and Water-Marriage-Execution Theory

Twixt you and me
There's too much emotion.
That's the reason why
There's such a commotion!
Take a lump of clay,
wet it, pat it,
And make an image of me,
And an image of you.
Then smash them and crash them,
And add a little water.
Break them and remake them
Into an image of you
And an image of me.
Then in my clay, there's a little of you.
And in your clay there's a little of me.
And nothing shall us ever sever;
Living we'll sleep together in the same quilt,
And dead, we'll be buried together.

Madame Kuan, wife of the great Imperial painter Chou Mengfu whom she
thought to be taking a young mistress ;-) - He read, was moved and removed

Hanching Chung, my wise friend over there;-) in the Far East - it was
Will'm James who wrote of 'bicycle chains' that, 'too tight', became less
efficient when metaphoring the thinking mind. Who among the so called
leaders and gurus unto them knows of the 'vitality in slackness' of the
ancients and the advantages of 'camouflage' in troubling times ;-)????

There is a wisdom of the foolish,
The gracefulness of the slow,
The subtlety of stupidity,
The advantage of (f)lying low.

Lin Yutang

[The Kingship of the Sea
Is no mystery
To me.]

Hark! Tis Spring.

[Host's Note: Spring? Andrew, I like the sentiment, but aren't you jumping
the gun? I think Spring formally begins on March 21st?? ..Rick]





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