Power and Virtual Organizations LO30039

From: Alan Cotterell (acotrel@cnl.com.au)
Date: 04/03/03

Replying to LO30036 --

Dear All, I was reading Vana's comment about distrust in organisations and
the difficulties arising related to Knowledge Management.

Over a period of time I've mentioned the empowering effect of management
system documentation when prepared so that employees can effectively
'self-manage' their work situations.

I believe this can give rise to big problems where managers have been
habitually insincere in their dealings with workers, where harassment and
bullying have occurred, or where IR has been typically confrontationist.

Nobody in their right mind will hand over the means to train new staff and
thus engineer their own redundancy.

The situation demands a complete change of mindset/management culture, and
I believe Employee Share Ownership/Productivity Gainsharing schemes are
the way to go.

It takes commitment from the CEO, and genuiness from both management and
other workers.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


"Alan Cotterell" <acotrel@cnl.com.au>

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